College essay writers
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Characteristics of a Good Research Problem
An examination issue is an explanation that gives the setting to an exploration study.As expressed by Brewer and Hughes, (2005).â€Å"Research issues demonstrate holes in the extension or the conviction of our knowledge†(Brewer and Hughes, 2005, p. 39).They point to risky wonders, watched occasions that are confusing as far as our presently acknowledged thoughts, or ebb and flow thoughts that are tested by new theories (Dissertation Mentoring Services, 2013).The examination issue is the beginning of exposing and presenting the issue that the exploration will close with an answer. Further, as indicated by Ellis and Levy (2008) the exploration issue is the underlying stage in the logical technique. The approach that is used ought to be relevant for the difficult that directs the examination. The philosophy yields the results of the examination, which thusly delivers the help required to encourage the discoveries (Ellis and Levy, 2008). The motivation behind this paper is to ins pect the qualities of an examination problem.The center is around the components of what establishes a researchable issue, the segments of a very much shaped Statement of Research Problem, just as what comprises a sensible hypothetical structure for the need of the investigation. As expressed by Leedy and Ormrod, (2005) â€Å"The research issue is the hub around which the entire exploration exertion rotates (Leedy and Ormrod, 2005, p. 49). †Viable exploration can't be considered significant without a very much characterized comprehension of why the examination has been performed. There are a few parts that make exploration critical, for example, the examination should be researchable and reasonable in size.Other qualities incorporate the level of how the exploration will impact future exploration and different scientists by whether the discoveries will make a commitment to the assemblage of information, the clarification of the information and have any kind of effect for oth er people (Dissertation101 Mentoring Services, 2013). Impact of the examination. Great examination should propel the field wherein it is designed for just as expand on the flow assortment of accessible exploration. The effect doesn't need to be gigantic, however it must be recognizable. The examination ought to uncover how the analyst expects to take an alternate perspective as well as direction.According to Leedy and Ormrod (2010) the exploration should coordinate the way of thinking in various observations, just as move further exploration to be led as it identifies with the point (Leedy and Ormrod, 2010). The headway ought to reflect how the new approachs will be utilized, alongside the other current work, to assist with bettering arrive at a resolution so as to take care of the issue (Brewer and Hunter, 2006). The issue is researchable and reasonable in size. It is basic to choose a point that is feasible and that will permit numerous chances to direct satisfactory essential res earch.Limitations, for example, the accessibility of answers ought to likewise be viewed as when thinking about an examination issue. Moreover, time and costs are of concern. Taking into account to what extent it will take to direct the exploration is significant as is whether the scientist has enough foundation information to do the examination, which may cause delays. The spending plan is a main consideration and thinking about the sorts of assignments that will be required, any paid associates, particular hardware, or programming that should be made as well as obtained will help in assessing the measure of assets that will be expected to lead the research.Explanation of the dataSince research requires information, it is significant during the arranging that the specialist breaks down in advance whether any information identified with the examination issue can be delivered. In the event that not, at that point the examination issue and the inquiry may should be changed. The choice of whether to utilize subjective or quantitative information is significant and dependent on the sort of examination. When the information has been gathered, the scientist must have an approach to convey the results.The information must be sorted out such that it blends the current information with the new information to decide the quality dependent on the rules for gathering the information. Segments of a Statement of Research Problem Essentially, the difficult explanation gives the premise to the examination. The announcement of the exploration issue mirrors the general worry that prompts the particular issue and should be authentic and unmistakably expressed. Appropriately, it must be a concise exact depiction, which sets the reason for the issue to be studied.It recognizes and expresses the basic issues, assuming any and traces the theories, alongside the exploration questions (Dissertation101 Mentoring Services, 2013). Exact, genuine and unmistakably expressed. Analyst look to respond to an inquiry or to discover an answer for an issue. Giving genuine data to present the difficult will change the point of view of what individuals think or think about the issue. Too the examination ought to address the writing that is predominant and what exactly is absent from this literature.Therefore, an announcement of the difficult should be absolutely expressed in a couple of sentences that diagrams the issue of the exploration. The announcement of the issue ought to likewise address the inquiry (Levy and Ellis, 2008). As expressed by Levy and Ellis, (2008) â€Å"The issue articulation is the announcement of the issue and the argumentation for its reasonability. It should address each of the six inquiries, what, how, where, when, why, and who (Levy and Ellis, 2008, p. 27)†. Hidden sub-problems.Often times, research issues are too noteworthy or exceptionally confused be fathomed without separating them into littler parts. The pieces of the huge issue are known as the sub-issues. The sub-issues make up a researchable segment that will frame together to rise to the summation of the principle issue. Division of the primary issue is the fourth trait of formal exploration (Leedy and Ormrod, 2005). Introducing a theory or examination questions. The scientist must set up a speculation identified with the desires what will be valid for the outcomes and finishes of the study.The research issue, the objectives, and the related examination questions as well as theories are weaved in that an exploration objective is the primary focal point of the examination that will be utilized to address the issue. Furthermore, research addresses help to improve the objectives into distinct inquiries that the specialist might want replied (Creswell, 2005). As per Leedy and Ormrod (2005) by acquiring the responses to the examination questions, the objectives of the exploration will be fulfilled and an effect with respect to taking care of the issue has been made ( Leedy and Ormrod, 2005).There must be an unmistakable relationship between the responses to the exploration questions and the exploration issue rousing the investigation (Ellis and Levy, 2008). A Problem Statement depends on an intensive survey of the applicable writing and continuous exploration. As expressed by Leedy and Ormrod, (2005) â€Å"one basic procedure is to discover what things are now thought about your subject of intrigue; little can be picked up by rehashing an already solved problem (Leedy and Ormrod, 2005, p. 51). †This gives the premise to a hypothetical structure for the establishments and value of the examination problem.Theoretical Framework for the StudyTheoretical system is the hypothesis which edifies and clarifies the issue to be explored. The hypothesis will likewise be utilized to watch the outcomes. New speculations tackle research issues by clarifying strange events and by superseding the vulnerability of more established hypotheses. The flow hyp othesis coordinates analysts in making and imparting research issues. In deciding if and in what regards a hypothesis is tricky, scientists consider the setting of accumulated hypothetical and trial knowledge.The speculations that have all the earmarks of being testing when seen in that setting are then explored (Ellis and Levy, 2008). While the discoveries of examination might be sudden, the exploration itself is arranged. It is grounded in a hypothesis. There ought to be a hypothetical association between the issue managing the exploration and the examination that is being coordinated to address that issue (Ellis and Levy, 2008).ConclusionA examination issue articulation is a brief depiction of an issue or challenge that doesn't right now have a satisfactory arrangement accessible, in this way, making it deserving of examination. A difficult articulation alludes to an issue that is centered around by the subject. It is, generally, a circumstance that needs an answer. An all around conveyed issue drives the exploration. An announcement of the examination issue must be explicit yet concise and not something that alludes to a disconnected occurrence.It must be researchable and reasonable while tending to the sub-issues and making a theory and exploration questions. The announcement of the issue ought to present how the examination creates from past hypothesis and how it might have the option to add to the improvement of new hypothesis wherein to make headways, understanding that at last, the motivation behind exploration is to add to the information on how the world works in our mission to improve and grow our comprehension.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How Can Lufthansa Airlines Improve Their Customer Satisfaction in Essay
By what method Can Lufthansa Airlines Improve Their Customer Satisfaction in Comparison with Singapore Airlines - Essay Example The point of this examination is to discover the components that have an effect on consumer loyalty. The examination centers around the methodology dependent on which Lufthansa Airlines can improve consumer loyalty when contrasted with Singapore Airlines as far as more noteworthy manageability. In this regard, the exploration underlines recognizing the reasons that are responsible for client disappointment dependent on the investigation of yearly reports of the individual organizations and other significant hypotheses. Administration quality is one of the fundamental variables dependent on which the carrier business can lead tasks in an economical way. The significant test looked by the carrier business is to offer astounding support and incentive to its travelers. The nature of administration gave by the business ought to be as per the interest of the clients with the goal of guaranteeing most extreme fulfillment of clients. Quick advancement in the aircraft business and the expansi on in rivalry in both created just as creating economies have made it fundamental for carrier organizations to assess the administrations gave by them. Serious issues looked by the aircraft ventures are in regards to dealing with the fluctuating requests in view of the presentation of different minimal effort carriers giving comparative sort of administrations. Different difficulties are keeping up the better nature of administration all together than keep up client dependability. As per the yearly audit of IATA in the year 2014, it has been recognized that the aircraft business has been performing tasks in a viable way. In 2013, it has been assessed that travelers and freight of around 3.3 billion and ‘50 million metric tons’ separately have been shipped effectively. What's more, the industry has been effective in improving the worldwide GDP condition. The business is likewise distinguished to serve more than 50,000 courses.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Nike+iPod Apparently opening up the new Apple store on Fifth Avenue was only enough to keep Steve Jobs busy for a weekend today, Apple and Nike announced a Nike+iPod Sport Kit partnership. This part doesnt make a ton of sense to me. Why does Apple need to partner with a particular shoe company? A runners choice of running shoes is a very careful and idiosyncratic one, and consumer theory dictates that the more choices, the better. Furthermore, the shoes available are all pretty ugly. Then again, a research paper I read in 14.11: Experimental Economics reports that too many choices can be demotivating. (You may have seen this research quoted in the book Blink by The Tipping Point author Malcom Gladwell, but read the original paper, its very interesting.) This womans running form is lovely. Notice how her otherwise-blank running outfit features Niki logos on her shoes. The voice feedback (Your average pace is) is enough to get me thinking about giving up my Dell and lucky Asics. If I end up purchasing this product, I hope my friends interning at Apple this summer get me the employee discount. Are you listening, Carter 07? What do people think about this Nike+iPod Sport Kit? Vote in the comments on a Likert scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is least awesome and 5 is most awesome. I am going through 14.32: Econometrics withdrawl, so I will calculate the mean and standard deviation of your votes.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Gender Roles and Psychology in Human Behaviors - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 3109 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/04/26 Category Sociology Essay Level High school Tags: Gender Roles Essay Did you like this example? Women are constantly oppressed in society with their wages, representations and roles in life. When working, women are sometimes harassed and normally receive half the pay of a mens salary and have to work twice as hard to be equivalent to a man. They are patronized in the work place and oversexualized when it comes to television and film. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Gender Roles and Psychology in Human Behaviors" essay for you Create order A women is given the role of being a mother, chef, caregiver and a cleaner, but yet they receive no respect. With these expectations, women are forced to live up to the standards that society gives to them. Not willingly, but because they have no choice. Instead of being the stay home parent who looks after the kids, cooks and cleans, men are viewed as the breadwinners. They wake up early in the morning, get straight to work, and make sure their family is taken care of. With men living up to these standards they are also recognized more than women. Why is that? According to the male society, women arent supposed to have a say. Anything they have an idea about is supposed to stay inside their household and reported to their husband. As Rebecca Solnit said in the story Men Explained Things to Me from the Writers Presence, Billions of women must be out there on this seven-billion-person planet being told that they are not reliable witnesses to their own lives, that the truth is not their property, now or ever (Solnit, Rebecca). This gives a clear explanation as to why a women should not be acknowledged when they speak, especially not even being able to be witnesses to their own lives. Their point will never be proven nor matter, when it comes to society looking in on ones life. This is such a frightening way to look at life and women. A female should have the same rights a man does. If the truth is not a females property, then the same exact truth is not a males property. In most countries around the world, women have much less earning power in the labor market than men. The median annual earnings for all U.S men working full-time, year-round, is $50,033 while the annual earning figures for women is $39,197. In this obvious case, women are making about eleven thousand dollars less than a man working in the same field as they are. Thus, even among the fully employed, a woman still earns only about 79 cents for every dollar a man earns (Newman, David M.). With this being the reality of whats happening now, it is clear that women are constantly degraded by this behavior. Its even been estimated that out of every three American women lives on the verge of poverty. In 2010, for the first time in our history, women outnumbered men in the paid labor force-though this shift had as much to do with larger numbers of men losing their jobs than with larger numbers of women entering the labor force (cited in Rampell, 2010) (Newman, David M.). The only reason wome n were able to gain such opportunity was because men lost theirs. They lost their opportunity of working in such work force which then gave women the chance to gain the positions men once had. Even though this ironic change occured, it only lasted for the year 2010. When talking about the work area and looking at the side of wages and salary, life for women and men were very unequal. Women with bachelors degree can expect to earn less than men with a two-year associates degree. Similarly, women with doctoral degrees earn much less than men with only masters degrees (ProQuest Statistical Abstract, 2015) (Newman, David M.). There are four major categories of degrees that are available after graduating high school which are, associates, bachelors , masters, and doctoral degrees. A person can receive one of the four degrees depending on their level of study. Seeing that a man can be at level two and still exceed a women at level five is a huge problem. How can you pass someone who is higher than you or knows more than you? A women only made it to that level because she received all the proper practice and help that came with each level. She worked very hard and fought to get to that stage in life. With a man being at level two, that means his journey has just begun. He isnt far ahead or on a higher level because he doesnt know of the obstacles or sacrifices those lev els will come with. With a man being able to exceed a woman who is three levels higher than him is outrageous and unexplainable. This precisely shows that no matter how ahead in life a woman is, a man can make her title worth less. In life, society highlights men to be superior human figures, which impacts the way a young boy is brought up. Instead of them living their life and enjoying the simple things, they will already be pushed to the point of maturity. As Silas Hansen said in the story, What Real Men Do from The Writers Presence, He has heard people say this his whole life, even when he was a kid, even back when he was still trying, desperately trying, to be as happy as a girl and later, too, after he told people the truth of his gender (Just trying to help, they would say) so he knows it must be true: He shouldnt be afraid of anything. In this quote, Hansen happens to be speaking about himself, and explaining what he has heard and been told while growing up. Hansen also says, A real man watches football, knows how to do things around the house, and doesnt watch TV shows or movies. (Hansen, Silas) Why is it that a man has to have these traits? Because society place these values on men, they now feel obl igated to fulfill the requirements or they wont fit into a mans category. In some situations at a regular workplace, women tend to be very defensive. They feel the need to be this way because they need to protect themselves. Because some women were so vulnerable, men tend to take advantage of them and tyrannize them. Women believed that one of the ways to keep men from bullying them and getting their way was to become defensive. Women had their guards up at all times just in case something out of the ordinary happened. Once a women got a job, she was very protective of it and made sure she did whatever she could have done to keep it. Men were so much empowered that if they wanted a womens job, they could take it away in the matter of seconds. Limit educational and training opportunities for women and withhold adequate jobs with the excuse that women are incapable of filling them (Pharr, Suzanne). Women have been openly limited to receiving jobs and education all around the world, so I believe that they had and still have a right to be defensive over whats theirs. World War II was a huge war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. Before World War II began, women still acted on their role which was to be the stay home parent, while the men were out working. During World War II, all men went away to go to war leaving most of the womens in their jobs. For womens, this was an honor but nevertheless, their pay would still remain less than what a man would be making in that job. How could a women feel good about herself knowing that this was the only option of living? She didnt. Why are females treated the way they are? How is this fair to the female society around the world? Most females are handled this way because they arent respected by other human beings around the world. The kind of negativity that most females go through on the regular basis is unacceptable and threatening. Women have struggled to break through into male-dominated careers for decades due to stereotypes fostered by the medias influence. As much as it was a fight for them back then, the same fight is going on now. There has been a plethora of times where a woman has been denied a job because she doesnt look strong or sturdy enough to lift the weights. In other words, females are basically being told, go find something else to do, this is a mans job. Looking into the life of politics, there are mostly men that take on the roles in government. Why not a women? During the Presidential election of 2016, Donald Trump took the victory over Hillary Clinton in becoming the president. Even though Hillary Clinton didnt win the election, she has done a great deed. She paved the pathway for women all over to have the courage to run for a place in the office. She stands on the sturdy shoulders of many more female political pioneers who also aspired to be the leader of the free world, but they were ju st a little before their time, says Maria L La Ganga from The Guardian magazine. Analyzing this quote, we can see that women didnt have the right to try and run for anything when it came to the political aspect of things. Being that Hillary joined the election in running for president in the year 2016, she showed women that theres nothing wrong with trying. If I can do it, you can do it as well. According to The New York Times, Shannon Sims writes, Some fishermen and women on Lake Kivu cast their nets at sunset and return before dawn to collect their trappings. But that method can be risky: the nets can be tampered with, or the catch scooped up by interlopers in the midnight hours while everyone else is asleep. So instead, many of the fisherwomen choose to spend their nights on the water. But nights on the lake can be uncomfortable and even dangerous, for any number of reasons †wind and pirates, among others. Last year, as a single mother, Ms. Karikumutima had no choice but to bring her infant baby out on the wooden boat with her at night, lying the baby down on a blanket in the hull of the canoe while she paddled from one net to another in the cold and the rain. The intense physical work and danger that comes with fishing on Lake Kivu, along with reinforcement from traditional gender roles, kept women from fishing for generations, tending to backyard farms instead. B ut in post-genocide Rwanda, that seems to be changing. For Ms. Karikumutima to take such a brave step forward to provide for her family shows a sign of courage and determination. Her courageous act shows women that they cant do absolutely whatever they need to do to survive in this lifetime. Meanwhile other fishermen and women are only casting their nets at sunset and returning before dawn to collect their trappings, Karikumutima is taking her baby out onto the wooden boat and into the water, on a journey with her to collect her feeding for a period of time. Along with reinforcement from traditional gender roles, kept women from fishing for generations, makes it very clear to us that women were not supposed to do anything out of the ordinary, that didnt fit the character of their assigned gender role. When we take a look at TV shows, movies and commercials, they are supposed to be entertaining elements for the eyes to watch. Taking part in watching these things is a time of relaxation, and sometimes to recover from all the hard work youve done for the day. Television depicts men and women in many contents. Women are portrayed as significantly younger and thinner than women in the population as a whole, and most are depicted as passive, dependent on men, and enmeshed in relationships or housework. Along with that, they are individuals who do not like wearing clothes, freaky, overly submissive to the voices of men, and a wench. The media makes women out to be evil and stuck up, which is why they are not respected in todays society and looked down on. A mother is the female parent of a child. Mothers are women who inhabit or perform the role of bearing some relation to their children, who may or may not be their biological offspring. Mothers are considered the caregivers, chefs, cleaners, and a woman with strength and courage to face another day. Having a child and taking care of one isnt easy at all. In the first stages of having a child, you have to make sure they are always fed, they are always clean, they have enough clothes to wear, and they are never out of diapers. You get less sleep and all your time goes to taking care of that child. With a woman having this difficult role to take up, they deserve the most respect in the world, but unfortunately they dont receive that respect at all. As a parent, women sometimes receive no respect from the childrens. Their kids feel the need to disrespect them because of how they see women are oppressed on TV or in reality. In the TV show Supernanny, the show features professional nanny Jo Frost, who in each episode helps a family where the parents are struggling with their child. Taking a look into season 4 episode 17, there is a young 8 year old girl named Caila who abuses her mom, while walking home from school. She throws her backpack at her mom, and forces her to carry it. Caila then begins hitting her mom for not taking the backpack, and intensively starts shouting and crying on the sidewalk. With Caila doing all of these unnecessary acts, her 11 year old brother Brandon is no better than she is. Brandon bullies his mom, and yells at her when she punishes him and takes away his TV. He screams how much he hates her, and wishes she was never in his life. This is a perfect example that shows how women are mistreated by their children and left to feel ashamed of themselves. When picturing the image of your child yelling at you and saying hurtful things, you would be left in a puzzled state of mind. With the type of living that occurred in the 1800s and even before that time, it corrupted the minds and thoughts of many people. Society is changing everyday but the negativity still seems to find its way out in the world. Negativity on women of course. Women deserve better in every aspect of life. There is no reason why a women should have to walk the streets of her neighborhood with her head down. A women needs all the empowerment in this world and Maya Angelous speech Phenomenal Woman is the definite face of encouragement. Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. Im not cute or built to suit a fashion models size. But when I start to tell them, they think Im telling lies. I say, its in the reach of my arms, the span of my hips, the stride of my step, the curl of my lips. Im a woman, phenomenally, phenomenal woman. Thats me, I walk into a room, just as cool as you please, and to a man, the fellows stand or, fall down on their knees. Then they swarm around me, a hive of honey bees. I say, its the fire in my eyes, and the flash of my teeth. The swing in my waist, and the joy in my feet. Im a woman, phenomenally, phenomenal woman. Thats me. Men themselves have wondered, what they see in me, they try so much, but they cant touch my inner mystery. When I try to show them, they say they still cant see. I say, its in the arch of my back, the sun of my smile, the ride of my breasts, the grace of my style. Im a woman, phenomenally, phenomenal woman. Thats me. Now you understand, just why my heads not bowed. I d ont shout or jump about, or have to talk real loud. When you see me passing, it ought to make you proud. I say, its in the click of my heels, the bend of my hair, the palm of my hand, the need for my care. Cause Im a woman, phenomenally, phenomenal woman. Thats me (Angelou, Maya). Maya Angelous speech Phenomenal Woman is a speech that is fighting against society and its stereotypical ways in identifying how a woman should act or carry themselves. She gives woman a new definition of feminine and shows that idea of being a woman and feminine are very subjective. She proves in her speech that her confidence and determination attracts the eyes of men, not her body or sexual submissive comments. Through her speech, she gives woman the encouragement they need to face another day in the type of society they are living in. Angelou makes it very clear that one person does not need to fit a certain role to be considered strong or beautiful. With all facts that have been stated, it is very clear that women once again are constantly oppressed in society with their wages, representations and roles in life and there needs to be a change or together as a community, everyone will all fall. Work Cited Angelou, Maya. Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou. Poetry Foundation, Poetry Foundation, Frost, J. (2005). Season 4 Episode 17. Supernanny. American Broadcasting Company, Channel 4, W Network, E4, Esquire Network. Hansen, Silas. What Real Men Do. The Writers Presence: a Pool of Readings, by Donald McQuade and Robert Atwan, Bedford/St. Martins, 2018, pp. 111â€Å"115. Newman, David M. Identities and Inequalities: Exploring the Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality. THIRD ed., McGraw-Hill Education, 2017. Pharr, Suzanne. Homophoba as a Weapon of Sexism . Race, Class, and Gender in the United States: an Integrated Study, by Paula S. Rothenberg and Soniya Munshi, Worth Publishers/Macmillan Learning, 2016, pp. 134â€Å"143. Sims, Shannon, et al. Rwandan Women Paddle Into the Male World of Fishing. The New York Times, The New York Times, 1 Dec. 2018. ®ion=streammodule=stream_unitversion=latestcontentPlacement=2pgtype=collection. Solnit, Rebeca. Men Explain Things To Me. The Writers Presence: a Pool of Readings, by Donald McQuade and Robert Atwan, Bedford/St. Martins, 2018, pp. 492â€Å"497. Wood, Julia T. Gendered Media: The Influence of Media on Views of Gender. 1994,
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay Imagery And Symbolism in William Blake’s The Tyger
Imagery And Symbolism in William Blake’s The Tyger â€Å"Can you give to the horse mightyness? Can you clothe its neck with a rustling mane? Can you cause it to leap like a locust?†(Job 39:19-20) William Blake’s The Tyger is reminiscent of when God questioned Job rhetorically about his creations, many of them being fearsome beasts such as the leviathan or the behemoth. Much like this speech from the old testament, The Tyger also uses a significant amount of imagery and symbolism which contributes to its spiritual aspects. There is a wealth of imagery in the first two lines alone. The poem begins: â€Å"Tyger! Tyger! burning bright In the forests of the night,†The reader conceives in their mind the image of a tiger with a coat blazing†¦show more content†¦The image of fire in connection with the tiger is conceived again, this time within the eyes. The fire in a tiger’s eyes can be seen as a symbol of ferocity, and it takes no stretch of the imagination to look upon Satan in the same way as well. In the fourth stanza, Blake asks:What the hammer? what the chain? In what furnace was thy brain? What the anvil? What dread grasp Dare its deadly terrors clasp? The hammer, chain, furnace, and anvil are undoubtedly symbols of creation, but how does the imagery contribute? Well, the tiger was crafted with the aid of a hammer and anvil. Its brain is said to be made of fire, as it came from a furnace. So one sees by the imagery connected to the connection of the tiger, that it is inhuman, and was manufactured in quite an unnatural manner. This contributes greatly to the negative impression of the tiger, and raises questions about the nature of evil, and the origins of the devil. The fifth stanza goes on to say: â€Å"When the stars threw down their spears, And water’d heaven with their tears, Did he smile his work to see? Did he who made the lamb make thee?†The â€Å"stars†are probably a symbol of God’s angels. This can be backed up by the scripture at Job 38:7 which says:â€Å"†¦When the morning stars joyfully cried out together, and all the sons of God began shouting in applause?†The imagery of the poem seems to support this, as it could only be spirit creatures who â€Å"water’d heaven with their tears†. If the tiger is aShow MoreRelatedThe Lamb And The Tyger By William Blake996 Words  | 4 Pagescreated, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible†(Colossians 1:16). William Blake wrote poems about this very subject. In his twin poems, â€Å"The Lamb†and â€Å"The Tyger†, Blake uses different literary techniques such as sound, imagery and symbolism to echo the common theme of creation along with how it is viewed differently. 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The previous quote described that Christ was a lamb, and every person was a young lamb admired by God at one time. â€Å"The Lamb†was part of Blake’s Songs of Innocence and the viewpoint was from a child’s perspective. The child recognized the lamb’s gentleness and generosity. As a result, the lamb was symbolic of Christ, the lamb of God. Blake was tying the childlike innocence in the poem asRead MoreThe Lamb by William Blake Analysis Essays983 Words  | 4 PagesLike a Child ENGL 102: Literature and Composition APA In â€Å"The Lamb†by William Blake, you will see that, if analyzed closely, the lamb is a personal symbol which signifies God himself. The innocence of a child is like that of a lamb, and serves as a model for humans to follow. In the first stanza, the speaker is the child who is also the teacher. The child asks the lamb who gave him life and all his needs, along with a voice so tender†. Then, the child declares that he will tell the lamb whoRead MoreContemplating Gods Creation in William Blakes The Lamb and The Tyger1205 Words  | 5 PagesWilliam Blake was born and raised in London from 1757 to 1827. Throughout his early years, Blake experienced many strange and unusual visions, claiming to have seen â€Å"angels and ghostly monks†(Moore). For those reasons, William Blake decided to write about mystical beings and Gods. Two examples of the poet expressing his point of view are seen in â€Å"The Tyger†and â€Å"The Lamb.†Both poems demonstrat e how the world is and to sharpen one’s perception. People perceive the world in their own outlook, oftenRead More Coexistence of Contrary States in Blake’s The Tyger Essay1883 Words  | 8 PagesCoexistence of Contrary States in Blake’s The Tyger Since the two hundred years that William Blake has composed his seminal poem The Tyger, critics and readers alike have attempted to interpret its burning question - Did he who made the Lamb make thee? Perhaps best embodying the spirit of Blake’s Songs of Experience, the tiger is the poetic counterpart to the Lamb of Innocence from Blake’s previous work, Songs of Innocence. Manifest in The Tyger is the key to understanding its identityRead MoreEssay about Comparision of Wordsworth and Blakes Poems1523 Words  | 7 PagesAuthors, William Wordsworth and William Blake convey different messages and themes in their poems, â€Å"The World is Too Much with Us†and â€Å"The Tyger†consecutively by using the different mechanics one needs to create poetry. Both poems are closely related since they portray different aspects of society but the message remains different. Wordsworth’s poem describes a conflict between nature and humanity, while Blake’s poem issues God’s creations of completely different creatures. In â€Å"The World is TooRead MoreEssay on The Symmetry: A World with Both Lamb and Tiger1063 Words  | 5 Pages Why did God create both gentle and fearful creatures? Why did God create a world with bloodshed, pain and terror? The Tyger by William Blake, written in 1794 and included in his collection Songs of Innocence and Experience, takes readers on a journey of faith. Through a cycle of unanswered questions, William Blake motivates the readers to question God. Blake sees a necessity for balance in the world, and suggests to the readers that God created a world with a balance of good and evil soRead MoreEssay on The Message Behind A Poison Tree1077 Words  | 5 PagesWilliam Blake was a first generation Romantic poet. He lived a long life in which he wrote a copious amount of poetry (Eaves). Blake was also a painter. This aided Blake’s advancing symbolism; he could paint a lovely picture with his words (Eaves). The poem that I have analyzed is A Poison Tree. Blake strategically placed imagery and personification to hide his underlying truth; do not store up anger because horrible situations will arise. At first glance the poem seems hate filled and that he justRead MoreEssay How Romantic Was William Blake?1517 Words  | 7 Pagesthe moniker of Romantic. Now we will focus on one writer and his techniques, William Blake, and carefully compare and contrast his poetry with the others of the age. We will break down his imagery and decipher it to deduce what he was alluding to. In doing this we will have a better idea of what things worked for Blake and what didnt and maybe look into his mind and try to figure out the why to what he did. William Blake was a mysterious figure in the literary scene of 18th century London.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Paris description Free Essays
Like any other day, the sun rose In Paris. It as the beginning of May, when spring blew Its last breezes and the heat of summer started to spread around. The weather could not get any better. We will write a custom essay sample on Paris description or any similar topic only for you Order Now The sky was crystal clear and It wasn’t too sunny. The sun made the whole city looked Like It was covered with a thin, light and golden layer of apple dust. I could tell the weather was perfect since I could open the windows and Just leave It there. It was probably the best time In pans for traveling, when the freezing cold and the depressing rain were all gone. Like any Parisian, my morning started with a crunchy exterior and soft Interior resistant, some slices of crispy honey coated French toasts but my breakfast was definitely incomplete without a creamy cup of cappuccino. Sitting by the windows, those flowery balconies, the cobblestone road, those old black poles on the sidewalk, those classy street lamps had never seemed so real. Along the pavement, plenty of cars were parked in an organizing order even though the parking spaces looked a little bit too small. Excitement took over my whole body. I could not wait to jump out of the window and go on my Paris adventure but those soft noises along with such denude silence in the early morning kept pulling me back to the chair. That peaceful atmosphere absolutely gave me the definition of Zen. It was a typical Parisian Monday. Walking down the street, everyone seemed so busy. The street was crowded with people walking, bicycling, and driving their ways to work. Some stopped along the way to grab a cup of coffee. All of sudden the smell of everyday coffee wasn’t the same. The warm and bittersweet aroma of roasted coffee combined with the buttery and yeasty smell of fresh baked pastries filled the air. At the corner, people walked UT of the billionaires with bags baguette and pastries on their hands. Then, an earthy scent of fresh-from-the-garden flower and a faintly sweet smell of blooming flowers gently spread around. Flower stalls with radiant and vibrant colors glowing under the early morning sun caught my eyes. Even the homeless on the street woke up and got ready for a new day. So I Joined In the flow of people and continued living my dream in Paris. Paris is oozing with art and culture. Artists were almost everywhere and love was In the air. It’s not difficult to spot a Parisian cafe © on the street. The word â€Å"cafe ©Ã¢â‚¬ said It all. It’s so original that there Is so equivalent for Its name In the English language. The cafe © was so adorable with round tables and flimsy chairs on a shady pavement terrace. There were dancing people on the street. People played music with accordions, cellos or even trumpets for money. A man with a beret hat would probably paint a portrait of you In no time. Souvenir stores were filled with tiny Eiffel towers, postcards and â€Å"I heart Paris†t-shirts. The crowds of people were inside the metro station. Graffiti and paintings were all over the wall. Unlike others unique beauty. For centuries, this city has been the laboratory for new ideas of architects and artists, which explains why Paris has bits of everything. Seeing all the historic and majestic buildings would give you a definite aspect of European architecture. Furthermore, a large number of monumental churches were built in Paris. During the French revolution, many churches were burnt down and destroyed but fortunately some of them survived and renovated. To be specific, the Notre Dame looked like a massive masterpiece. I took a closer look from the outside of the cathedral. Every detail of the carvings was so sophisticate and amazing that it left me speechless. The interior was wonderfully classy with all the colorful stained glass, the painted ceilings and everything else in that gothic treasure. If there were a medal for the best-preserved city, Paris would probably win the first place. Along the Seine River, key locks were easily found on bridges, it’s considered as a symbol of love. Lovebirds were holding hands and the music were playing. The scenery would brighten your day right away. And French people were lovely as they spoke softly and the elegant gesture they made. The laughter and conversations mingled with the music melody, created a euphonious chorus of life. The highlight of the day didn’t happen until sunset. It was summer so the sun didn’t go down until nine. Standing from Pont Alexander Ill, the bridge that spans the Seine River, I got the perfect spot to watch twilight in Paris. As the sun began to set, a celestial glow appeared in the sky. As it went darker, the sky turned yellow, orange with a little shades of coral and magenta and the clouds looked like giant marshmallows floating in a gigantic punch bowl with layers of colors. The Eiffel tower was all lit up. The lights started to blink like the stars were playing hide and seek. Just a few moments, the city of lights was in front of me. The attractive golden lights from the Eiffel, the yellow lights from the street, everything was exquisitely amazing. Then, those shimmering lights drew itself onto the Seine River. The reflection started to vibrate like it was trying to send a message as the river flow slowly moved. I Just stood there and did nothing but stared at every centimeter of that stunning scenery. Rambling through the streets, the Paris during the day transformed itself into the Paris that took my breath away. Every corner, every avenue was Just pure magic. On the other hand, not everything about Paris is lovable. This city can get a bit touristy and crowded during summer. If you were too busy enjoying the view, you might be the victim of a pickpocket in Just a blink of an eye. Since this city attracts so many people, the lines in most places were too long and it would probably waste your time. The queue at an ice cream cart on the street took me thirty minutes but it was all worth it. I had a strawberry sorbet. It was a blast of freshness. The sorbet tasted really Juicy and deliciously tangy. It instantly melted in my mouth then a cool smooth liquid flowed down my throat as it cleared away all my feebleness in that boiling afternoon. So, as long as you are careful with your belongings and enjoy Paris to the fullest, the pickpockets and the lengthy lines would be no problems. There goes every beautiful piece of Paris that etched into my memory. As I wandered through the street of this city, splendid works of art were gently unfolding in front of me. The whole experience was priceless. I could throw in more adjectives to describe how surreal Paris was but this city would always be more than that. How to cite Paris description, Papers
Paris description Free Essays
Like any other day, the sun rose In Paris. It as the beginning of May, when spring blew Its last breezes and the heat of summer started to spread around. The weather could not get any better. We will write a custom essay sample on Paris description or any similar topic only for you Order Now The sky was crystal clear and It wasn’t too sunny. The sun made the whole city looked Like It was covered with a thin, light and golden layer of apple dust. I could tell the weather was perfect since I could open the windows and Just leave It there. It was probably the best time In pans for traveling, when the freezing cold and the depressing rain were all gone. Like any Parisian, my morning started with a crunchy exterior and soft Interior resistant, some slices of crispy honey coated French toasts but my breakfast was definitely incomplete without a creamy cup of cappuccino. Sitting by the windows, those flowery balconies, the cobblestone road, those old black poles on the sidewalk, those classy street lamps had never seemed so real. Along the pavement, plenty of cars were parked in an organizing order even though the parking spaces looked a little bit too small. Excitement took over my whole body. I could not wait to jump out of the window and go on my Paris adventure but those soft noises along with such denude silence in the early morning kept pulling me back to the chair. That peaceful atmosphere absolutely gave me the definition of Zen. It was a typical Parisian Monday. Walking down the street, everyone seemed so busy. The street was crowded with people walking, bicycling, and driving their ways to work. Some stopped along the way to grab a cup of coffee. All of sudden the smell of everyday coffee wasn’t the same. The warm and bittersweet aroma of roasted coffee combined with the buttery and yeasty smell of fresh baked pastries filled the air. At the corner, people walked UT of the billionaires with bags baguette and pastries on their hands. Then, an earthy scent of fresh-from-the-garden flower and a faintly sweet smell of blooming flowers gently spread around. Flower stalls with radiant and vibrant colors glowing under the early morning sun caught my eyes. Even the homeless on the street woke up and got ready for a new day. So I Joined In the flow of people and continued living my dream in Paris. Paris is oozing with art and culture. Artists were almost everywhere and love was In the air. It’s not difficult to spot a Parisian cafe © on the street. The word â€Å"cafe ©Ã¢â‚¬ said It all. It’s so original that there Is so equivalent for Its name In the English language. The cafe © was so adorable with round tables and flimsy chairs on a shady pavement terrace. There were dancing people on the street. People played music with accordions, cellos or even trumpets for money. A man with a beret hat would probably paint a portrait of you In no time. Souvenir stores were filled with tiny Eiffel towers, postcards and â€Å"I heart Paris†t-shirts. The crowds of people were inside the metro station. Graffiti and paintings were all over the wall. Unlike others unique beauty. For centuries, this city has been the laboratory for new ideas of architects and artists, which explains why Paris has bits of everything. Seeing all the historic and majestic buildings would give you a definite aspect of European architecture. Furthermore, a large number of monumental churches were built in Paris. During the French revolution, many churches were burnt down and destroyed but fortunately some of them survived and renovated. To be specific, the Notre Dame looked like a massive masterpiece. I took a closer look from the outside of the cathedral. Every detail of the carvings was so sophisticate and amazing that it left me speechless. The interior was wonderfully classy with all the colorful stained glass, the painted ceilings and everything else in that gothic treasure. If there were a medal for the best-preserved city, Paris would probably win the first place. Along the Seine River, key locks were easily found on bridges, it’s considered as a symbol of love. Lovebirds were holding hands and the music were playing. The scenery would brighten your day right away. And French people were lovely as they spoke softly and the elegant gesture they made. The laughter and conversations mingled with the music melody, created a euphonious chorus of life. The highlight of the day didn’t happen until sunset. It was summer so the sun didn’t go down until nine. Standing from Pont Alexander Ill, the bridge that spans the Seine River, I got the perfect spot to watch twilight in Paris. As the sun began to set, a celestial glow appeared in the sky. As it went darker, the sky turned yellow, orange with a little shades of coral and magenta and the clouds looked like giant marshmallows floating in a gigantic punch bowl with layers of colors. The Eiffel tower was all lit up. The lights started to blink like the stars were playing hide and seek. Just a few moments, the city of lights was in front of me. The attractive golden lights from the Eiffel, the yellow lights from the street, everything was exquisitely amazing. Then, those shimmering lights drew itself onto the Seine River. The reflection started to vibrate like it was trying to send a message as the river flow slowly moved. I Just stood there and did nothing but stared at every centimeter of that stunning scenery. Rambling through the streets, the Paris during the day transformed itself into the Paris that took my breath away. Every corner, every avenue was Just pure magic. On the other hand, not everything about Paris is lovable. This city can get a bit touristy and crowded during summer. If you were too busy enjoying the view, you might be the victim of a pickpocket in Just a blink of an eye. Since this city attracts so many people, the lines in most places were too long and it would probably waste your time. The queue at an ice cream cart on the street took me thirty minutes but it was all worth it. I had a strawberry sorbet. It was a blast of freshness. The sorbet tasted really Juicy and deliciously tangy. It instantly melted in my mouth then a cool smooth liquid flowed down my throat as it cleared away all my feebleness in that boiling afternoon. So, as long as you are careful with your belongings and enjoy Paris to the fullest, the pickpockets and the lengthy lines would be no problems. There goes every beautiful piece of Paris that etched into my memory. As I wandered through the street of this city, splendid works of art were gently unfolding in front of me. The whole experience was priceless. I could throw in more adjectives to describe how surreal Paris was but this city would always be more than that. How to cite Paris description, Papers
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